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Այս տեսաձևը 2 տարուց ավել չի արդիացվել։ Հնարավոր է, որ այն այլևս չի աջակցվում կամ մշակվում, ինչի պատճառով էլ կարող են ի հայտ գալ համատեղելիության խնդիրներ՝ WordPress–ի ավելի նոր տարբերակների հետ։

  • Տարբերակ
  • Last updated 1 Մարտի, 2017
  • Active installations 60+

Andorra has been created to assist you in showcasing your inner fantasy and demonstrating to the world the depth of your creativity. Without ever laying a finger on a single line of code you have the flexibility to modify the entire layout of your site as you see fit to bring your content center-stage. It has been designed with a mobile-first approach so whatever you plan to build, a blog, portfolio, photography, or travel, Andorra is the theme for you. The theme also supports WooCommerce so if an eStore is what you have in mind, Andorra does that too. Built using a 100% responsive design it will look awesome on any device. Using a very powerful yet extremely easy to use Customizer you can modify 200+ look and feel options on your website with a few clicks of the mouse. It is also translation ready, meaning it can be easily translated into any language. Are you looking for site logo support? Andorra has that as well.

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Active Installations: 60+


2 out of 5 stars.


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Դիտել աջակցման ֆորումը


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