Show / Hide Section Block


Show / Hide Section Block provides four blocks that are used to display a group of <details> elements that each contain a <summary> and an arbitrary number of additional blocks.

  • The Show Hide Group block is a wrapping <div>.
  • The Show Hide Section block is a wrapping <details>. One or more of these blocks is added to a Show Hide Group block.
  • The Show Hide Summary block contains the content for a <summary> tag. One of these blocks is inside each Show Hide Section block.
  • The Show Hide Details block contains arbitrary content. One of these blocks is added inside each Show Hide Section block.

The HTML output for an individual section is:

<!-- Each section block has a details element. -->
<details class="wp-block-happyprime-show-hide-section">
    <!-- Each details element has a summary and additional, collapsible content. -->
    <summary class="wp-block-happyprime-show-hide-summary">Summary text</summary>
    <!-- Additional inner blocks of any type are populated here. -->

The HTML output for the group is:

<div class="wp-block-happyprime-show-hide-group">
    <!-- Optional based on attribute -->
    <button class="toggle-all" aria-expanded="false">Open all</button>
    <details class="wp-block-happyprime-show-hide-section">
        <summary class="wp-block-happyprime-show-hide-summary"></summary>
        <!-- Additional blocks to be shown/hidden -->
    <details class="wp-block-happyprime-show-hide-section">
        <summary class="wp-block-happyprime-show-hide-summary"></summary>
        <!-- Additional blocks to be shown hidden -->
    <!-- Additional section blocks -->

An option is provided in the block’s side panel to toggle an «Open all»/»Close all» button. If this is toggled on for a block, an additional <button> element will be inserted and JavaScript will be used on the front-end to control the show/hide behavior of all <details> elements in the group at once.

If the toggle is off, no JavaScript is loaded on the front end and only the browser’s default behavior is used for opening and closing <details> elements.


This plugin provides 4 blocks.

  • Show Hide Group A group of accessible summaries that can be toggled to show or hide additional details.
  • Show Hide Summary The summary element in a details section.
  • Show Hide Details The remaining content in a details section.
  • Show Hide Section A section of collapsible content contained in a details element with a summary.


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Contributors & Developers

“Show / Hide Section Block” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Refactor block markup to improve editorial experience and formatting options.
  • Introduce happyprime/show-hide-summary block to manage <summary> content.
  • Introduce happyprime/show-hide-details block to manage remaningin <details> content.
  • Upgrade happyprime/show-hide-group and happyprime/show-hide-section blocks to API v3.
  • Add a deprecation routine to transform 2.0.x block markup into the new format.
  • Replace @wordpress/scripts with slimmer build configuration.
  • Bump minimum WordPress version to 6.4; confirm compatibility with 6.7.


  • Fix an issue where the front-end script was enqueued twice.


  • Fix an issue preventing Open All toggle from working in Chrome.
  • Update @wordpress/scripts dependency to 26.3.0.
  • Improve block organization, use of block.json.


  • Add a variety of supports options to block.json so that core styles can be applied as expected.
  • Improve asset loading so that the front-end script is only enqueued when the block is in use and when the the open/close all option is selected.
  • Add languages directory, POT file for translations.


Initial public release.